Saturday, May 13, 2006

Pig Roast!

Unofficial reports are surfacing that Special Prosecutor Pat Fitzgerald has indicted Karl Rove. A report from indicates that Mr. Fitzgerald met with Rove's attorneys for several hours on Friday to inform them that Rove will be facing charges and to get his affairs in order.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is reporting that Dick Cheney is getting close scrutiny of notes he wrote on the Joseph Wilson's article that lead to the outing of his wife Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. Newsweek notes "It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for Cheney's own notes to be made public. The notes—apparently obtained as a result of a grand jury subpoena—would appear to make Cheney an even more central witness than had been previously thought in the criminal probe." Could this mean that the Dark Lord himself is in Fitzgerald's crosshairs?

Here is the latest court filing.


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